Travis County Beetle Survey

Photos of >1,103 species of Coleoptera recorded in and around Austin, Texas
Please let me know of any species I missed. Thanks!!
to Texas Entomology - Compiled by Mike
Quinn - Last update: Nov 6, 2022
Cupedidae - Reticulated Beetles
Carabidae - Ground Beetles


Calosoma - Caterpillar-hunter Beetles
Tribe Chlaeniini, Genus Chlaenius
Lebia - Colorful Foliage Ground Beetles
Tribe Galeritini, Genus Galerita - False Bombardier Beetles (difficult to separate)
Brachinus - Bombardier Beetles (difficult to separate)
Gyrinidae - Whirligig Beetles
Haliplidae - Crawling Water Beetles
Noteridae - Burrowing Water Beetles
Dytiscidae - Predaceous Diving Beetles


Hydrophilidae - Water Scavenger Beetles

Histeridae - Clown Beetles

Hydraenidae - Minute Moss Beetles
Leiodidae - Round Fungus Beetles
Silphidae - Carrion Beetles
Staphylinidae - Rove Beetles
Pselaphinae - Ant-loving Beetles
Tachyporinae - Crab-like Rove Beetles
Oxytelinae - Spiny-legged Rove Beetles
Scydmaeninae - Ant-like Stone Beetles
Staphylininae - Large Rove Beetles
Lucanidae - Stag Beetles
Passalidae - Bess Beetles
Odontotaenius disjunctus - Horned Passalus - fairly common in large rotting logs
Trogidae - Hide Beetles
Geotrupidae - Earth-Boring Scarab Beetles
Ochodaeidae - Sand-loving Scarab Beetles
Hybosoridae - Scavenger Scarab Beetles
Hybosorus illigeri Reiche
Scarabaeidae - Scarab Beetles
Aphodiinae - Small Dung Beetles

Scarabaeinae - Dung Beetles

Deltochilini (Canthonini)
Digitonthophagus gazella - Gazelle Scarab

Melolonthinae - June Bugs
Phyllophaga (large difficult genus)
Diplotaxis (another large difficult genus similar to Phyllophaga)

Rutelinae - Shining Leaf Chafers
Dynastinae - Rhinoceros Beetles
Cyclocephala lurida - Southern Masked Chafer
Dynastes tityus - Eastern Hercules Beetle
Cetoniinae - Fruit and Flower Chafers
Tribe Cetoniini, Genus Euphoria
Tribe Cremastocheilini, Genus Cremastocheilus

Buprestidae - Metallic Wood-boring Beetles (see also, Buprestidae of Texas)

Tribe Tracheini, Genus Brachys
Eucinetidae - Plate-thigh Beetles

Scirtidae - Marsh Beetles
Rhipiceridae - Cicada Parasite Beetles
Sandalus niger - Cedar Beetle
Callirhipidae - Callirhipid Cedar Beetles
Elmidae - Riffle Beetles
Dryopidae - Long-toed Water Beetles
Lutrochidae - Travertine Beetles
Limnichidae - Minute Marsh-loving Beetles
Heteroceridae - Variegated Mud-loving Beetles

Psephenidae - Water Penny Beetles
Eucnemidae - False Click Beetles
Throscidae - False Metallic Wood-boring Beetles
Elateridae - Click Beetles


Lycidae - Net-winged Beetles
Telegeusidae - Long-lipped Beetles
Phengodidae - Glowworm Beetles

Cantharidae - Soldier Beetles

Nosodendridae - Wounded-Tree Beetles
Nosodendron unicolor - Slime Flux Beetle
Dermestidae - Skin Beetles (see also: Dermestids of Texas)

Bostrichidae - Horned Powder-post Beetles

Lyctinae - Powder-post Beetles

Family Ptinidae - Death-watch and Spider Beetles
Ptininae - Spider Beetles

Trogossitidae - Bark-gnawing Beetles
Cleridae - Checkered Beetles (see also: Cleridae of Texas)
Melyridae - Soft-winged Flower Beetles

Nitidulidae - Sap-feeding Beetles

Monotomidae - Root-eating Beetles
Silvanidae - Silvanid Flat Bark Beetles
Passandridae - Parasitic Flat Bark Beetles

Laemophloeidae - Lined Flat Bark Beetles
Phalacridae - Shining Flower Beetles

Cryptophagidae - Silken Fungus Beetles
Erotylidae - Pleasing Fungus Beetles
Erotylinae (includeds Languriidae)
Biphyllidae - False Skin Beetles
Bothrideridae - Dry Bark Beetles
Brachiacantha - Spurleg Lady Beetles
Novius cardinalis - Vedalia Beetle
Corylophidae - Minute Hooded Beetles

Latridiidae - Minute Brown Scavenger Beetles

Mycetophagidae - Hairy Fungus Beetles
Ciidae - Minute Tree-fungus Beetles
Tetratomidae - Polypore Fungus Beetles

Melandryidae - False Darkling Beetles
Mordellidae - Tumbling Flower Beetles

Ripiphoridae - Wedge-shaped Beetles
Zopheridae - Ironclad Beetles

Tribe Monommatini - Opossum Beetles (formerly treated as a family Monommatidae)

Tenebrionidae - Darkling Beetles
Lagriinae - Long-jointed Beetles
Alleculinae - Comb-clawed Beetles
Oedemeridae - False Blister Beetles (see also Oedemeridae of Texas)

Meloidae - Blister Beetles (see also Meloidae of Texas)

Anthicidae - Antlike Flower Beetles

Aderidae - Antlike Leaf Beetles (see also: Aderidae of Texas)

Scraptiidae - False Flower Beetles (common at lights)

Cerambycidae - Long-horned Beetles (see also: Cerambycidae of Texas)
Spondylidinae (includes Aseminae)
Lepturinae - Flower Longhorn Beetles
- Tribe Callidiini
Tribe Clytini

Anelaphus spp. (Impossible to separate)

Lamiinae - Flat-Faced Longhorns

Tetraopes - Milkweed Longhorns (see also)
Bruchinae - Bean or Seed Weevils

Tribe Pachymerini - Palm Seed Weevil
Donaciinae - Aquatic or Long-horned Leaf Beetles
Criocerinae - Shining Leaf Beetles
Cassidinae - Tortoise Beetles and Hispines
Tribe Chalepini - Leaf-mining Leaf Beetles
Chrysomelinae - Broad-shouldered Leaf Beetles

Galerucinae - Skeletonizing leaf beetles


Tribe Alticini - Flea Beetles


Eumolpinae - Oval Leaf Beetles

Cryptocephalinae - The Casebearers or Cylindrical leaf beetles
Genera Diachus / Triachus


Tribe Clytrini - Short-horned leaf beetles
Tribe Chlamisini - Warty Leaf Beetles
Anthribidae - Fungus Weevils (see also: Anthribidae of Texas)
Attelabidae - Leaf Rolling Weevils
Attelabinae - Leaf-rolling Weevils
Rhynchitinae - Leaf and Bud Weevils
Pterocolinae - Leaf Roll Thieves
Brentidae - Primitive Weevils
Erirhininae - Marsh Weevils (subfamily formerly under Curculionidae)
Curculionidae - Weevils (see also: Weevils of Texas)
Tribe Rhynchophorini - Billbugs and Grain Weevils
Anthonomini - Fruit and Seed Weevils
Otidocephalini - Antlike Weevils
Tychiini - Leguminous Seed Weevils
Baridinae - Flower Weevils

Ceutorhynchinae - Minute Seed Weevils
Cossoninae - Bark Weevils
Cryptorhynchinae - Hidden Snout Weevils
Cyclominae - Underwater Weevils

Entiminae - Broad-nosed Weevils
- Compsus auricephalus (Say) - sc US
Hyperinae - Clover and Alfalfa Weevils
Lixinae - Cylindrical Weevils
Magdalis - Wedge-shaped Bark Weevils
Scolytinae - Bark and Ambrosia Beetles
Tribe Hylesinini - Crenulate Bark Beetles
Tribe Scolytini - Typical Bark Beetles
Platypodinae - Pinhole Borers
Select References:
Jr. R.H., and M.C .Thomas (editors). 2000. American Beetles, Volume I:
Archostemata, Myxophaga, Adephaga, Polyphaga: Staphyliniformia. CRC
Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL. xvi + 443 pp.
Jr. R.H., M.C Thomas and P.E Skelley; J.H. Frank (editors). 2002.
American Beetles, Volume II: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea through
Curculionoidea. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL. xiv + 861 pp.
Riley, E.G., S.M. Clark, and T.N. Seeno. 2003. Catalog of the leaf
beetles of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae,
Orsodacnidae and Chrysomelidae, excluding Bruchinae). Coleopterists
Society, Special Publication no. 1. 290 pp.
April 30, 2022
Quinn / / Texas Entomology / Texas Beetle Resources / Photo Techniques