to Texas Entomology - Compiled by Mike
Carpet Beetles of Texas - Family Dermestidae
Some 50 species
of dermestids have been recorded from
Texas (Andreas Herrmann, pers. comm. 2017)
The following thumbnails represent over 70% of the Texas total
(Plus links to images of the remaining spp.)
Speciemens primarily shot at, or depositied into, the TAMUIC or the UTIC
Dermestini - Thorictini - Orphilini - Trinodini - Attagenini - Anthrenini

Dermestes lardarius Linnaeus, 1758 - Range: mostly n. of the Mason-Dixon Line, Cosmopolitan

Dermestes caninus Germar, 1824 - Range: widely dist., common across Texas.

Dermestes carnivorus Fabricius, 1775 - Range: AZ to c. TX

Dermestes maculatus Degeer, 1774 - Range: Cosmopolitan

Dermestes marmoratus Say, 1823 - Range: w US to c. Texas

Dermestes frischi Kugelann, 1792 - Range: only a few w. TX records
Dermestes talpinus Mannerheim, 1843 - Range: N. Amer., rare in TX
Dermestes nidum Arrow, 1915 - Range: e. US to w. TX, uncommon
Dermestes pulcher LeConte, 1854 - Range: rare in TX

Thorictodes heydeni Reitter, 1875 - Range: Cosmopolitan

Thylodrias contractus Motschulsky, 1839 - Range: Holarctic

Orphilus ater Erichson, 1846 - Range: e NA

Orphilus subnitidus LeConte, 1861 - Range: w. N. Amer.
Apsectus hispidus (Melsheimer, 1844) - Rangte: e US

Attagenus brunneus Faldermann, 1835 - Range: Cosmopolitan

Attagenus fasciatus Thunberg 1795 - Range: Cosmopolitan
Attagenus rufipennis LeConte, 1859 - Range: sw US

Attagenus unicolor (Brahm, 1791) - Range: Cosmopolitan

Novelsis horni (Jayne, 1882) - Range: CA-TX / Mex.
Novelsis uteana Casey, 1900 - Range: sw US

Paranovelsis aequalis (Sharp, 1902) - Range: TX / Mex

Paranovelsis varicolor (Jayne, 1882) - Range: AZ, TX / Mex.

Anthrenus coloratus Reitter, 1881 - Range: Cosmopolitan

Anthrenus thoracicus Melsheimer, 1844 - Range: e. US
Anthrenus verbasci (Linnaeus, 1767) - Range: Cosmopolitan, common throughout the US
Anthrenus chiton Beal, 1998 - Range: US
Anthrenus flavipes LeConte 1854 - Range: Cosmopolitan
Anthrenus maculatus Fabricius, 1798 - Range: sw US / Mex.

Cryptorhopalum haemorrhoidale (LeConte, 1824) - Range: USA

Cryptorhopalum pruddeni Casey, 1900 - Range: sw US
Cryptorhopalum reversum Casey, 1900 - Range: c. US
Cryptorhopalum "group triste" apicale (Mannerheim, 1843) - Range: w. US

Cryptorhopalum "group triste" obesulum Casey, 1900 - Range: sw US

Cryptorhopalum "group triste" ruficorne LeConte, 1854 - Range: s. US / Mex.

Cryptorhopalum "group triste" triste LeConte, 1854 - Range: USA
Cryptorhopalum "group triste" floridanum Casey, 1916 - Range: se US
Cryptorhopalum "group triste" fusculum LeConte, 1854 - Range: sw US
Cryptorhopalum "group triste" uteanum Casey, 1916 - Range: USA
Megatoma belfragei (LeConte, 1874) - Range: TX

Thaumaglossa americana (Jayne, 1882) - Range: se US
Trogoderma ornatum (Say, 1825) - Range: USA

Trogoderma primum (Jayne, 1882) - Range: TX-OK

Trogoderma sp(p).
Trogoderma anthrenoides (Sharp, 1902) - Range: TX to S. Amer., W. Indies, Asia
Trogoderma glabrum (Herbst, 1783) - Range: N. Amer.
Trogoderma serraticorne (Fabricius, 1792) - Range: Antilles
Trogoderma sternale Casey, 1900 - Range: sw US, FL
Trogoderma sternale aspericolle Casey, 1900 - Range: sw US
Trogoderma inclusum LeConte, 1854 - Range: Cosmopolitan
Trogoderma variabile Ballion, 1878 - Range: Cosmopolitan
The world's most complete set of dermestid photos - Compiled by Andreas Herrmann
Select bibliography:
Beal, R.S., Jr. 1954. Biology and taxonomy of Nearctic species of Trogoderma. University Of California Publications in Entomology, 10: 35–102.
Beal, R.S., Jr. 1956. Synopsis of the economic species of Trogoderma
occurring in the United States with description of a new species
(Coleoptera: Dermestidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of
America 49: 559-566.
Beal, R.S., Jr. 1959. A key to the Nearctic genera of Dermestidae, The Coleopterists Bulletin 13: 99-101.
Beal, R.S., Jr. 1983. Anthrenus thoracicus (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), a distinct species. The Coleopterists Bulletin 37(4): 314-316.
Beal, R.S., Jr. 1985. A taxonomic revision of the Nearctic species of Cryptorhopalum, Transactions of the American Entomological Society 111: 171-221.
Beal, R.S., Jr. 1995. Taxonomic notes and distributional data on Nearctic species of Cryptorhopalum (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) with description of a new southwestern U.S. species. Entomological News 106(4): 169-177.
R.S., Jr. 2003. Annotated checklist of Nearctic Dermestidae with
revised key to the genera. The Coleopterists' Bulletin, 57(4): 391-404.
H.F. 1882. Revision of the Dermestidae of the United States.
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 20: 343–377.
T.L. 1900. Review of the American Corylophidae, Cryptophagidae,
Tritomidae, and Dermestidae, with other studies. Journal of the New
York Entomological Society, 8: 51–172.
J.L. 1854. Synopsis of the Dermestidae of the United States.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 7:
Reinhard, H.J. 1937. Thylodrias contractus Mots. in Texas. Journal of Economic Entomology 30(2): 372.
April 14, 2022 © Mike
Quinn /
/ Texas
Entomology / Texas Beetle Resources / Photo Techniques