Ant-like Leaf Beetles of Texas - Family Aderidae
Tribe Phytobaenini

Axylophilus sp. - Range: southmost TX

Ganascus ptinoides (Schwarz) - Range se US

Ganascus ventricosus (LeConte) - Range: e US
Tribe Euglenesini

Emelinus melsheimeri (LeConte) - Range: e. US to AZ

Syzeton ater (LeConte) - Range: TX-KS-PA

Syzeton belovi Gompel - Range: TX-OK, FL
Syzeton fasciatus (Melsheimer) - Range: e. N. Amer.
Syzeton hubbardi Casey - Range: e. US

Syzeton nubifer (LeConte) - Range: se US

Syzeton pallidus Werner - Range: e. N. Amer.

Syzeton signatus (Haldeman) - Range: se US
Syzeton subfasciatus (LeConte) - Range: e. US
Tribe Aderini
Subtribe Cnopina
Cnopus impressus (LeConte) - Range: e. US
Subtribe Aderina

Aderus brunnipennis (LeConte) - Range: e. US
Aderus populneus (Creutzer in Panzer 1796) - Adventive from Europe, scattered N. Amer. records

Aderus tantillus (Champion) - Range: c. TX to C. Amer.
Subtribe Syzetoninina

Ariotus luteolus (Casey) - Range: e. US
Ariotus subtropicus Casey - Range: coastal se US to MD, uncommon outside of southmost TX

Pseudariotus notatus (LeConte) - Range: se US

Elonus basalis (LeConte) - Range: e. N. Amer.

Elonus chisosensis Werner - Range: Trans-Pecos (Brewster Co.)

Elonus gruberi Gompel - Range: e. US, AZ

Elonus hesperus Werner - Range: sc. US to AZ

Elonus nebulosus (LeConte) - Range: e. US

Vanonus balteatus Werner - Range: Great Plains (e. KS to s. TX)

Vanonus piceus (LeConte) - Range: e. US
Vanonus sagax Casey - Range: se US
Vanonus valgus Werner - Range: sc US
Subtribe Olotelina

Gymnoganascus stephani Werner - Range: c. US / Mex. / Cuba
Chandler, D. 2002. 118. Aderidae Winkler 1927. Pp. 559-563. In:
Arnett, et al. (editors). American Beetles, Volume II: Polyphaga:
Scarabaeoidea through Curculionoidea. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL.
xiv + 861 pp.
Gompel, N. 2017. A review of North American Elonus species, with description of E. gruberi n. sp. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea: Aderidae). Zootaxa 4338(3): 533–545. - Link
Majka, C.G. 2011. The Aderidae (Coleoptera) of the Maritime
Provinces of Canada. Journal of the Acadian Entomological Society 7(9):
Stephan, K., F.G. Werner, T.L. Grzymala, R. Leschen. 2020. The Aderidae (Coleoptera) of Latimer County, Oklahoma, USA. The Coleopterists Bulletin 74(4): 786-790. - BioOne
Werner, F.G. 1990. Revision of the Aderidae (Coleoptera) of eastern
North America. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 98(2):
Werner, F.G. 1993(1992). The Nearctic species of Elonus (Coleoptera: Aderidae). Psyche 1999(4): 245-264.
An iconography of Aderidae species from North America and Western Europe - Gompel, N. 2010 - Link
Illustrated Beetle Inventory of the Sabal Palm Sanctuary (Cameron
Co., TX) - Edward G. Riley & Michael A. Quinn, January 2011 - Link
Illustrated Beetle Inventory of Lick Creek Park, College Station, Texas - Edward G. Riley, December 2011 - Link
05 July 2021 © Mike Quinn / / Texas Entomology / Texas Beetle Resources / Photo Techniques