Buprestidae of Texas with Notes on Texas TypesMetallic Wood-Boring Beetles / Jewel Beetles
Subfamily Polycestinae Lacordaire
Genus Mastogenius Solier 1849
Genus Trigonogya Schaeffer 1919
Genus Acmaeoderoides Van Dyke 1942
Trigonogya reticulaticollis (Schaeffer)
TL: TX, Cameron Co., Brownsville
Range: southmost TX - Cameron and Hidalgo Counties
Host: Fraxinus berlandieriana - Mexican Ash
Genus Acmaeodera Eschscholtz - Larval and Adult Plant Association info here
Acmaeodera amabilis Horn Range: AZ to w. TX, CO
Host: Alder (Alnus)Acmaeodera amplicollis LeConte
Range: AZ to far w. TX / Mex
Host: larval host(s) unknown
Acmaeodera auritincta Fall 1922
TL: TX, Culberson Co., Kent, 3900-4200'
Range: NM to sw TX / Mex
Acmaeodera bowditchi Fall
Range: AZ to s. TX, NV
Host: larval host in dead branches of Quercus vaseyana
Acmaeodera conoidea Fall
Range: AZ to w. TX
Hosts: Celtis, Juglans, Ulmus
Acmaeodera consors Horn 1878
Range: sw TXHost: larval and adult plant asso. unknown
Acmaeodera cribricollis Horn 1894
Range: s. CA to s. TX / MexHost: Larrea tridentata - Creosote Bush
Acmaeodera davidsoni Barr
Range: AZ, w. TX / Mex.
Hosts unk., but adults taken on Acacia & Mimosa
Acmaeodera delumbis Horn
Range: AZ to w. TX / Mex.
Hosts in mesquite and acacia
Acmaeodera disjuncta Fall
Range: AZ to w. TX / Mex.
Host: Larvae in ocotillo - Fouquieria splendensAcmaeodera flavomarginata (Gray)
Range: w. & c. TX to C. Amer.
Hosts: Larvae in Acacia, Diospyros, ProsopisAcmaeodera flavopicta Waterhouse
Range: AZ to sw. TX / Mex
Host: larval host unknown
Acmaeodera gibbula LeConte
TL: San Diego to El Paso
Range: s. CA to sw TX / Mex
Hosts: Larvae host of a variety of legumes, other hardwoodsAcmaeodera gillespiensis Knull
TL: TX, Gillespie Co.
Range: w. to c. TXHost: Larval host is oak - Quercus sp.
Acmaeodera haemorrhoa LeConte
TL: TX, Webb Co., Laredo to Starr Co., Rio Grande City
Range: TX / Mex
Hosts: adults on flowers
Acmaeodera immaculata Horn
Range: w. US to w. TX (one TX record)
Host: larvae on Krascheninnikovia lanata (Chenopodiaceae)
Acmaeodera macra Horn
Range: OK through c. TX to ne. Mex.
Host: Acacia berlandieri - Guajillo
Range: NM to w. TX / MexHost: larval host unknown
Acmaeodera miliaris Horn 1878
Range: w. & c. TX to MexHost: larval host unknown
Acmaeodera mixta LeConte 1860
Range: throughout TX & sc US
Hosts: Acacia, Celtis, Prosopis
Note: This sp. is highly variable
Acmaeodera neglecta Fall 1899
Acmaeodera neoneglecta Fisher 1949
TL: Mexico. Type intercepted at Brownsville, TX
Range: southern half of TX to ne. Mex.
Hosts: Acacia, Ebenopsis, Leucana, Prosopis, Sophora, Ulmus
Acmaeodera obtusa Horn 1878
Range: OK to s. & w. TX
Host: larval host unknown
Acmaeodera opacula LeConte 1858
TL: TX, El Paso Co., El Paso
Range: se AZ, w. TX
Host: larval host unknownType - MCZ
Acmaeodera opuntiae Knull 1966
TL: TX, Starr Co., 5 mi W Sullivan City
Range: c. to s. TX
Hosts: larvae host in Karwinskia and Parkinsonia
Acmaeodera ornata (Fabricius)
Range: mostly se US to e. TX
Hosts: unknown
infrequently collected, note curved, elongated, pale humeral mark
Acmaeodera ornatoides Barr 1972
TL: TX, Goliad Co., Weser
Range: common across c. & n. TX
Hosts: Diospyros and Quercus![]()
Acmaeodera paradisjuncta Knull 1940
TL: TX, Jeff Davis Co., Davis Mountains
Range: s. NM to sw TX / n. Mex
Host: Dasylirion wheeleri - Common Sotol
Acmaeodera parkeri Cazier
Range: AZ-TX / Mex,
Host: Larval host unk., adults on flowers
Acmaeodera pinalorum Knull 1930
Range: CA to sw. TX
Hosts unk., but adults asso. w/ Acacia, Mimosa, Prosopis
Acmaeodera princeps Kerremans 1908
TL: New Zealand (error!)
Range: sw. to s. TX
Hosts: larvae in Parkinsonia spp. - PaloverdeAcmaeodera pulchella (Herbst)
Range: widely dist. across US, scattered TX records
Hosts: Crataegus, Gleditsia, TaxodiumAcmaeodera quadrivittatoides Nelson & Westcott 1995
TL: TX, Brewster Co., Big Bend Natl. Park
Range: sw US to w. TX / Mex
Host: Larval host unk., adults on various flowers
Acmaeodera recticollis Fall 1899
Range: AZ to s. TX, UT
Hosts: Larvae in jointfir, Ephedra spp.
Acmaeodera riograndei Nelson 1980
TL: TX, Brewster Co., Chisos Mtns, Oak Spring
Range: w. TX / Mex.
Acmaeodera robigo Knull 1954
TL: Lake Corpus Christi. TX
Range: OK to sw TX, rare
Host: Lavrae in Dalea - Prairie Clover![]()
Acmaeodera rubronotata Laporte Range: AZ to s. TX, CO to s. NV / Mex.
Host: Larvae in oak - Quercus sp.Acmaeodera scalaris Mannerheim
Range: AZ to c. TX / Mex.-C. Amer.
Host: Larval host unknown
Acmaeodera starrae Knull 1966
TL: 5 mi W Sullivan City, Starr Co., TX
Range: Starr Co., TX
Host: Larval host unk.Acmaeodera texana LeConte [1859] 1860
Range: sc US to c. TX
Host: Larval host unk.
Acmaeodera tildenorum Nelson & Westcott 1995
TL: TX, Hidalgo Co., Sullivan City
Range: southmost TX / Mex.
Acmaeodera tiquilia Westcott & Barr 1998
TL: TX, Brewster Co., "Lower Pine Cyn.", Big Bend N.P.
Range: w. TX
Host: Ephedra - Jointfir![]()
Acmaeodera tubulus (Fabricius)
Range: e. US to w. TX
Hosts: larvae in Betula, Carya, Celtis, Crataegus, Juglans, Quercus, Salix, Ulmus
Acmaeodera uvaldensis Knull 1936
TL: Uvalde, Uvalde Co., TX
Range: w. & c. TX / Mex.
Host: Larval host unk., Adults on mesquite - Prosopis
Acmaeodera variegata LeConte 1852 Range: AZ to s. TX, CO
Host: Larval host unk.
Acmaeodera wenzeli Van Dyke 1919
TL: Chisos Mountains, Brewster Co., TX
Range: w. TX / Mex.
Host: Acacia constricta - Whitethorn Acacia![]()
Genus Acmaeoderopsis Barr 1974
Genus Ptosima Dejean 1833
Ptosima gibbicollis (Say) Range: TX-FL-NJ-IA
Host: larvae on Cercis canadensis
Ptosima idolynae Frost Range: TX-MS-AR-OK
Host: Larvae on CrataegusPtosima laeta Waterhouse
Range: n. to c. TX / Mex
Host: Cercis canadensis L. var. texensis
Ptosima walshii LeConte 1863 Range: TX-MS-OH-MN
Host: larvae in burr oak - Quercus macrocarpaGenus Thrincopyge LeConte 1858
Thrincopyge alacris LeConte 1858
Range: AZ to w. TX / Mex
Host: Beaucarnea, Dasylirion
Thrincopyge ambiens (LeConte 1854)
TL: TX, Starr Co., Frontera, Rio Grande City
Range: AZ to sw. TX / Mex
Host: Dasylirion wheeleri - Common Sotol
Genus Polycesta Dejean 1833
Genus Paratyndaris Fisher 1919
Paratyndaris acaciae Knull 1937
TL: TX, Jeff Davis Co., Davis Mountains
Range: NM to w. TX / Mex
Paratyndaris chamaeleonis (Skinner 1903)
TL: TX, Cameron Co., Brownsville, Esperanza Ranch
Range: San Antonio, TX to Mex.
Host: Acacia, Diospyros, Ebenopsis, ParkinsoniaParatyndaris cincta (Horn 1885)
Range: southmost TX / Mex
Host: Ebenopsis ebano - Texas Ebony
Paratyndaris crandalli Knull 1941
TL: TX, Webb Co., Laredo
Range: Frio, Dimmit, Starr, Webb & Zapata CTY, TX
Host: larval host unknown
Paratyndaris prosopis (Skinner 1903)
TL: TX, Austin County
Range: AZ, TX-OK, MS
Hosts: Prosopis and Quercus spp.
Genus Nanularia Casey 1909
Nanularia pygmaea (Knull 1941)
TL: TX, Val Verde Co.
Range: west TX
Host: unknown
Genus Texania Casey 1909
Texania campestris (Say)
Range: e US
Hosts: Larvae in Acer, Fagus, Salix
Texania fulleri (Horn 1875)
Range: TX (most records from c. TX)
Host: Larvae in Celtis laevigata - Sugar Hackberry
Texania langeri (Chevrolat 1853)
Range: TX, LA, MO, IA, VA
Host: Unk.
Genus Chalcophora Dejean 1833
Genus Poecilonota Eschscholtz 1829
Genus Gyascutus LeConte 1858
Genus Hippomelas Laporte & Glory 1837
Genus Lampetis Dejean 1833
Lampetis cupreopunctata (Schaeffer 1905)
TL: TX, Cameron Co., Brownsville, Esperanza Ranch
Range: southmost TX / Mex
Host: larval host unknown
Lampetis drummondi (Laporte & Gory) Range: AZ-LA-MO-CO / Mex
Host: adults found on a wide variety of plantsLampetis webbii (LeConte) Range: AZ to far w. TX / Mex.
Host: Larvae in Paloverde - Cercidium floridumGenus Dicerca Eschscholtz 1829
Dicerca asperata (Laporte & Gory)
Range: e. North America
Host: larvae in Oak, Quercus sp.
Dicerca divaricata (Say) Range: TX-GA-ME-UT / s. Can. / West Indies
Hosts: Larvae in Acer, Betula, Cercis, Fraxinus, Ostrya, Quercus, UlmusDicerca lepida LeConte Range: NM-AL-NY-IA (roughly)
Hosts: Larvae in hawthorn - Crataegus, hophornbeam - OstryaDicerca lurida (Fabricius) Range: TX-FL-NY-MN / se Can.
Hosts: larvae in Alnus, Carpinus, Carya, Prunus, Salix, Tilia
Dicerca mutica LeConte
Rare, known from four states: MD, MO, NY, TX
Larval Host: unk.
Dicerca obscura (Fabricius) Range: TX-FL-NY-IN
Hosts: Larvae in Diospyros, RhusDicerca punctulata (Schönherr)
Range: TX-FL-NY-IA
Hosts: Larvae in pines - Pinus spp.Dicerca tenebrica (Kirby) Range: CA-GA-ME-WA / s. Can.
Hosts: Cottonwoods, aspen - Populus spp.
Genus Trachykele Marseul 1865
Trachykele lecontei (Gory)
Range: Coastal states: TX-GA-VA
Host: bald cypress - Taxodium distichum
Genus Buprestis Linnaeus 1758
Buprestis (Buprestis) consularis Glory
Range: e. N. Amer. to AZ
Hosts: Larvae in Pinus spp. and Picea glauca![]()
Buprestis (Buprestis) lineata Fabricius Range: TX-FL-ME-IN / se. CAN / West Indies
Hosts: Larvae bore in dead pines - Pinus spp.Buprestis (Buprestis) lyrata Casey Range: w. N. Amer.
Hosts: Larvae in Abies, Pinus ponderosa, PseudotsugaBuprestis (Buprestis) maculipennis Gory Range: TX-FL-ME-WI / se. Can.
Hosts: larvae on Pinus, Taxodium and TsugaBuprestis (Buprestis) parmaculativentris Knull 1958 TL: TX: Brewster County, Big Bend NP, Chisos Mountains
Range: Trans-Pecos, w. TXHost: Pinus cembroides - Mexican Pinyon
Buprestis (Cypriacis) striata Fabricius
Range: e. N. Amer.
Hosts: larvae in var. pines and hemlock
Buprestis (Knulliobuprestis) confluenta Say Range: w. N. Amer. to n. TX
Host: Larvae in Populus spp.Buprestis (Knulliobuprestis) rufipes Olivier 1790
Range: TX-FL-DE-KS
Hosts: various hardwoods
Buprestis (Stereosa) apricans Herbst Range: primarily TX-FL-NY / West Indies
Hosts: longleaf and loblolly pines, P. palustris, P. taedaBuprestis (Stereosa) decora Fabricius Range: TX-FL-NY-MO / West Indies
Host: larvae in longleaf pine - Pinus palustrisGenus Agaeocera Saunders 1871
Agaeocera gentilis (Horn, 1885)
Host: Sphaeralcea
Range: CA to c. & s. TX / MexAgaeocera scintillans Waterhouse Range: AZ, w. TX / Mex.
Host: adults on Abutilon incanumGenus Spectralia Casey 1909
Genus Agrilaxia Kerremans 1903
Agrilaxia arizonae
Range: AZ-FL-NY-KS
Host: Cercis, Pinus, Prumus, Ulmus
Agrilaxia texana
Genus Anthaxia Eschscholtz 1829
Genus Xenorhipis LeConte 1866
Genus Melanophila Eschscholtz 1829
Genus Phaenops Dejean 1833
Genus Xenomelanophila Sloop 1937
Xenomelanophila miranda LeConte
Range: CA-TX-CO-WA / Mex
Host: Juniperus occidentalis
Genus Actenodes Dejean 1833
Actenodes acornis (Say) Range: TX-FL-NY-IA
Hosts: larvae in Acer, Betula, Carya, Cercis, Fagus, QuercusActenodes calcarata (Chevrolat)
Range: CA-LA / south to S. Amer.
Hosts: various legumes - FabaceaeActenodes davidi Nelson
Range: sc US: TX-MS-KY-KS
Host: larvae in honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos, Fabaceae)![]()
Actenodes flexicaulis Schaeffer, 1904
TL: TX: Cameron Co., Brownsville, Esperanza Ranch
Range: southmost TX
Hosts: Celtis ehrenbergiana, Ebenopsis ebano
Actenodes mendax Horn, 1891
Range: AZ-TX
Hosts: larvae in mesquite and honeylocust
Actenodes simi Fisher
Range: New England to WI, south to TX
Hosts in Acer, Celtis, Quercus, Ulmus
Genus Chrysobothris Eschscholtz 1829
Chrysobothris ephedrae ephedrae Knull
Range: NM to sw. TX
Hosts: Adults on Ephedra trifurca
Chrysobothris ephedrae vogti Knull 1964
TL: TX: Starr Co., 5 mi. W. Sullivan City
Range: c. to s. TX
Hosts: Adults on Ephedra sp. and Acacia rigidula
Chrysobothris exesa Leconte
Range: CA-TX / Mex.
Hosts: larvae in Acacia, Celtis, Prosopis, Salix
Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier) Range: Throughout N. Amer.
Hosts: Larvae in a wide variety of fruit and forest treesChrysobothris fiskei Fisher 1942
TL: TX: Uvalde Co., Montell
Range: OK-TX / Mex
Hosts: Larvae in Cercis canadensis, Quercus vaseyana
Chrysobothris hidalgoensis Knull 1951
TL: TX: Hidalgo Co., near Mission
Range: s. TX
Hosts: No larval or adult plant asso. reported.
Chrysobothris humilis Horn Range: CA-TX, NV / Mex
Host: Larvae in catclaw acacia - Acacia greggii
Note: Species exhibits extreme sexual dichroism(male)
Chrysobothris ignicollis Horn Range: CA-TX-KS-ID / Mex.
Hosts: Larvae in various Juniperus spp., Cupressus arizonica
Chrysobothris iris Van Dyke
Range: sw US
Hosts: Adults coll'ed on Juniperus spp.
Type - CASA
Chrysobothris lateralis Waterhouse Range: CA-TX / Mex
Hosts: Larvae in Acacia greggii and mesquite
Chrysobothris lixa Horn
Range: AZ, TX / Mex
Host: Larval host unk.
Chrysobothris mali Horn
Range: w. NA
Hosts: Polyphagus
Chrysobothris merkelii Horn 1886
Range: CA-TX, NV / Mex
Hosts: Larvae in Acacia, Albizia, Prosopis
Chrysobothris mescalero Wellso & Manley 2007
TL: TX: Pecos Co. Hwy 385 rest stop, S. Ft. Stockton
Range: NM-TX
Hosts: adults on Quercus
Chrysobothris neotexana Dozier
Range: se US
Host: larvae host in Juniperus virginianaChrysobothris octocola LeConte Range: CA-TX-CO-NV / Mex.
Hosts: Larvae in Acacia, Parkinsonia, Prosopis, Prunus, Salix
Chrysobothris peninsularis Schaeffer
Range: sw US (CA-AZ, TX, NV) / Mex.
Hosts: adults mostly asso. w/ legumes (Fabaceae)
Genus Knowltonia
Knowltonia atrifasciata (LeConte)
Range: NM-TX-CO-UT
Host: larvae in saltbush (Atriplex)
Genus Sphaerobothris
Sphaerobothris ulkei (LeConte, 1860)
Range: AZ-TX / Mex
Hosts: Ephedra tricurca
Genus Eupristocerus
Genus Paragrilus
Eupristocerus cogitans (Weber) Range: TX-FL-ME-MI / se. Can.
Hosts: Larvae in living Alders - Alnus spp. and Birch - Betula
Paragrilus rugatulus Thomson Range: c. TX to C. Amer.
Host: larval host unk.Paragrilus tenuis (LeConte) Range: TX-FL-NY-IL
Hosts: Larvae in Hibiscus spp.
Agrilus abductus Horn 1891
Range: se US to sw TX / Mex.
Hosts: larval host(s) unk.
Agrilus abjectus Horn 1891
Range: c. to s. TX
Hosts: Unk.
Agrilus acaciae Fisher 1928
Range: c. TX to Mex
Hosts: larvae in various legumes
TL: TX: Browsville, Los Borregos
Agrilus acutipennis Mannerheim
Range: e. US, uncommon
Host: Larvae in Oaks (Quercus)
Agrilus addendus Crotch 1873
Range: NM-TX-OK, ND / Mex
Hosts: Adults on Acacia, Mesquite
Agrilus albocomus Fisher
Range: AZ to w. TX, uncommon
Host: Larvae in Oaks (Quercus)
Agrilus audax Horn 1891
Range: MO to e. TX
Hosts: larva in Ulmus
Agrilus benjamini Fisher 1928
Range: MO to e. TX, uncommon
Hosts: Larval host unk., adults on oaks
TL: TX: Victoria Co., Victoria
Agrilus bentseni Knull 1954
Range: sw. to s. TX
Host: Adults on Bernardia myricifolia
TL: TX, Hidalgo Co., Bentsen Rio Grande State Park
Agrilus bespencus Barr 2008
Range: w. (to c.?) TX
Hosts: Unk.
TL: TX: Pecos Co., Sheffield
Agrilus bilineatus (Weber) Range: e NA to w. TX
Host: major mortality agent of stressed oaks - Quercus spp., particularly red oaks![]()
Agrilus brattaini Wellso & Manley
Range: sw TX (Del Rio Co., Frio Co., & Starr Co.)
Host: Unk.
TL: Del Rio Co., 1 mi E. Del Rio (KOA Campground)
Agrilus cavatus Chevrolat
Range: AZ, TX-OK / Mex., S. Amer.
Host: Adults on Acacia
Agrilus celti Knull Range: TX-GA-NY-ND / Ont.
Host: Larvae in hackberry - Celtis spp.Agrilus cephalicus LeConte Range: TX-FL-NY-SD / se. Can
Host: Larvae in dogwood - Cornus
Agrilus cochisei Knull
Range: AZ to w. TX / Mex.
Agrilus concinnus Horn Range: TX-FL-MD-MO
Host: Larvae in Hibiscus laevis
Agrilus geminatus (Say)
Range: e. N. Amer. (TX-FL-QC-MN)
Larvae host in willow oak (Quercus phellos) and
black oak (Quercus velutina)Agrilus gibbicollis Fall Range: mostly AZ to c. & s. TX
Hosts: Adults on oaks and mesquite
Agrilus gillespiensis Knull 1947
Range: c. TX
Hosts: Adults on Celtis sp.
TL: TX: Gillespie Co. (probably Enchanted Rock)
Agrilus granulatus (Say) Range: CA-MS-ME-WA / adj. Can.
Hosts: Larvae in Populus spp. and Betula![]()
Agrilus (Engyaulus) hespenheidei Nelson Range: se NM-adj TX
Host: Larval host unk.Agrilus imbellis Crotch Range: TX-FL-NY-MN / Ont.
Hosts: Adults on Bigelowia, Helianthemum, Rudbeckia(Asteraceae)Agrilus lacustris LeConte Range: widely dist. across TX, except panhandle / Mex.
Hosts: Adults on Croton, Solanum
Agrilus langei Obenberger 1935
Range: southmost TX / Mex.
Host: Larvae in Abutilon
Agrilus lautuellus Fisher 1928
Range: c. TX
Hosts: Larvae in Diospros texana
TL: TX: Duval Co., San Diego
Agrilus lecontei celticola Fisher 1928
Range: AZ to LA / Mex
Hosts: Larvae in Celtis, Baccharis, Harvardia, Leucaena
TL: TX: Cameron Co., Brownsville
Agrilus limpiae Knull 1941
Range: TX-KS, mostly in e. TX
Hosts: Larvae in Sapindus sp.
TL: TX: Davis Co., Davis Mtns.
Agrilus macer LeConte 1858
Range: se US to Trans Pecos / Mex
Hosts: Larvae in Celtis spp.
TL: TX: Maverick Co., Eagle Pass
Agrilus malvastri Fisher
Range: CA-TX-SD-AB / Mex.
Hosts: Adults on globemallow
Agrilus masculinus Horn
Range: e NA (TX-GA-QC-SK), TX rec. from Bastrop
Hosts: Larvae in maple spp., redbud, honeylocust
Agrilus pectoralis Waterhouse Range: s. CA to c. & s. TX / Mex
Hosts: Larvae in Huisache, Mesquite, Ebony, Retama
Agrilus pilosicollis Fisher
Range: NC, KS, TX
Hosts: Adults on live oak; larval host unknown
Remarks: known from four spmns
Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire
Range: e North America to nc. & ne. TX
Hosts: Ash (Fraxinus spp.)
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) - Invasive sp.
Agrilus politus (Say)
Range: TX-GA-NS-AK / Mex,
Host: Larvae on Salix, Acer spp.Agrilus prionurus Chevrolat 1838 Range: e. TX / Mex.
Host: Western Soapberry
(Sapindus saponaria L. var. drummondii)![]()
Agrilus prosopidis Fisher 1928
Range: c. TX to Mex
Hosts: Various hardwoods
TL: TX: Cameron Co., Brownsville
Agrilus pseudofallax Frost Range: TX-GA-PA-WI
Host: Larvae in honeylocust - Gleditsia triacanthosAgrilus pubescens Fisher Range: AZ, TX, NE, SD (TX records need confirmation)
Host: Larvae in Acacia greggii, Adults also on ProsopisAgrilus (Engyaulus) pulchellus Bland Range: AZ-TX-ND-UT / Mex.
Host: Larvae in roots of Fleabane - Erigeron sp.
Agrilus putillus parputillus Knull 1960
Range: w. to c. TX
Hosts: Larvae in big tooth maple - Acer grandidentatum
TL: TX: Brewster Co., Big Bend NP, Chisos Mtns.,
Agrilus quadriguttatus Gory
Range: widely dist. across the US
Hosts: Larvae in willow - Salix sp.
Agrilus rubroniger Hespenheide Range: TX-FL-SC-MO
Hosts: Adults on huckleberry, other low shrubs, and oaks
Agrilus rubrovittatus Waterhouse
Range: se. AZ, TX / Mex.
Hots: Adults on Muhlenbergia longiligula (Poaceae)
Genus Aphanisticus
Aphanisticus cochinchinae seminulum Obenberger Range: TX-FL-SC (introduced)
Hosts: Surgarcane - Saccharum officinarumGenus Brachys
Genus Taphrocerus
Genus Pachyschelus
Bellamy, C.L. 2003. An Illustrated Summary of the Higher Classification of the Superfamily Buprestoidea (Coleoptera). Folia Heyrovskiana, Supplement No. 10, 198 pp, 44 color plates, 453 figures.
Bellamy, C.L. & G.H. Nelson. 2002. Chapter 41. Buprestidae Leach 1815, Pp. 98-112. In: R.H. Arnett, Jr., et al. (Eds.). American Beetles, Volume 2, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. (Draft PDF)
Bílý S. 2018. Revision of the genus Agrilaxia of the Central and North America (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini). Folia Heyrovskyana, Suppl. 15. 82 pp.
Cazier, M.A. 1951. The Buprestidae of North Central Mexico (Coleoptera). American Museum Novitates 1526: 1-56, figs. 1-51.
Corona, A. Ma. 2005. Revision of the subgenus Lampetis (Spinthoptera) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) of North and Central American, and the West Indies. European Journal of Entomology 102: 737-776.
Davidson, J.M. & J.P. Davidson. 2005. Notes and comments on hosts, temporal distribution and behavior of Buprestidae from the sand dune environment in west Texas (Coleoptera). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 81(1/2): 34-40.
Fall, H.C. 1899. Synopsis of the species of Acmaeodera of America North of Mexico. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 7(1): 1-37.
Fisher, W.S. 1928. A revision of the North American species of buprestid beetles belonging to the genus Agrilus. United States National Museum Bulletin, 145: 1-347.
Fisher, W.S. 1942. A revision of the North American species of buprestid beetles belonging to the tribe Chrysobothrini. USDA Miscellaneous Publication 470: 1-275.
Hansen, J.A. 2010. Identification and phylogenetic characterization of select species of Buprestidae (Coleoptera) and Sesiidae (Lepidoptera) wood boring insect families occurring across the Southeastern United States. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. xiii + 205 pp.
Hansen, J.A., J.P. Basham and C.A. Nalepa. 2021. New adult host
records for three Buprestidae (Coleoptera) rarely encountered in the
United States and significant extension of the known geographic range
of Agrilus pilosicollis Fisher. Insecta Mundi 0869: 1–6.
Helfer, J.R. 1941. A revision of the genus Buprestis of North. America north of Mexico. Entomologica Americana (N.S.), 21(3): 123–185.
Horn, G.H. 1886. A monograph of the species of Chrysobothris inhabiting the United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 13: 65-124, plates ii-vii.
Jackman, J.A and S.G. Wellso. 1978. Development of a computerized catalog of the Buprestidae (Coleoptera) of North America. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America 24(3): 367-369.
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22 July. 2022 © Mike Quinn / entomike@gmail.com / Texas Entomology / Texas Beetle Resources / Photo Techniques