Heteroptera - True Bugs
Lygaeidae - Seed Bugs

Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas)
(It's not totally clear, but there appear to be pollinaria on the middle and hind tarsi of the upper bug.)
Coleoptera - Beetles

Trigonopeltastes delta (Forster)
on Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata)
Cantharidae - Soldier Beetles

Cantharis rufa Linnaeus
a milkweed pollinium on each foot

Chauliognathus marginatus (Fabricius)
Cantharidae - Soldier Beetles

Chauliognathus marginatus (Fabricius)
Scarabaeidae - Scarab Beetles

Euphoria sepulcralis (Fabricius)
on the flower of Antelopehorn Milkweed (Asclepias asperula, Asclepiadaceae)
Diptera - True Flies
Tabanidae - Horse Flies

Hybomitra hinei (Johnson)
Mydidae - Mydas Flies

Mydas tibialis Wiedemann
New Jersey
"on Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) in my garden. It picked up some milkweed pollinia on its tarsi."
Syrphidae - Syrphid Flies

Merodon equestris (Fabricius)
Conopidae - Thick-headed Flies

Physocephala furcillata (Williston)
New York
On Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)
Conopidae - Thick-headed Flies

Physocephala furcillata (Williston)
New Hampshire
Muscidae - House Flies and kin

Calliphoridae - Blow Flies

Pollenia sp.
"Found this fly on Milkweed and noticed pollinia attached to its left hind leg. In the second image the pollinia are in focus."
Danainae - Milkweed Butterflies

Danaus gilippus (Cramer)
(When enlarged, there appears to be a pollinarium on the left middle tarsus)
Sesiidae - Clearwing Moths

Melittia cucurbitae (Harris)
Rhode Island
Zygaenidae - Leaf Skeletonizer Moths

Harrisina americana (Guérin)
Geometridae - Geometrid Moths

Eusarca sp.
Sphingidae - Sphinx Moths

Hemaris diffinis (Boisduval)
Arctiinae - Tiger and Lichen Moths

Cisseps fulvicollis (Hübner)
Noctuidae - Owlet Moths

Apamea verbascoides (Guenée)
North Dakota
Noctuidae - Owlet Moths

Peridroma saucia (Hübner)
Noctuidae - Owlet Moths

Trachea delicata (Grote)
"Symphyta" - Sawflies, Horntails, and Wood Wasps
Argidae - Argid Sawflies

Arge illuminata (D.R. Smith)
New Mexico
on Asclepias subverticillata
Superfamily Sphecoidea
Sphecidae - Thread-waisted Wasps

Campsomeris quadrimaculata (Fabricus)
Ontario, Canada
Sphecidae - Thread-waisted Wasps

Sphex ichneumoneus (Linnaeus)
New York
Sphecidae - Thread-waisted Wasps

Sphex ichneumoneus (Linnaeus)
Sphecidae - Thread-waisted Wasps

Sphex ichneumoneus (Linnaeus)
Sphecidae - Thread-waisted Wasps

Sphex ichneumoneus (Linnaeus)
Sphecidae - Thread-waisted Wasps

Sphex pensylvanicus Linnaeus
Ontario, Canada
on Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)
Sphecidae - Thread-waisted Wasps

Sphex pensylvanicus Linnaeus
New Mexico
Superfamily Apoidea
Colletidae - Plasterer and Masked Bees

Hylaeus modestus Say
"Milkweed pollinia are attached to the mandible of this bee."
Halictidae - Sweat Bees
Halictus rubicundus Christ
Halictidae - Sweat Bees

Lasioglossum (Dialictus) sp.
New York
Andrenidae - Mining Bees

Perdita sp.
Megachilidae - Leaf-cutter Bees

Megachile mendica Cresson
Megachilidae - Leaf-cutter Bees

Megachile frigida Smith
New York
Apidae - Cuckoo, Carpenter, Digger, Bumble, and Honey Bees
Nomadinae - Cuckoo Bees

Epeolini sp.
Xylocopinae - Carpenter Bees

Xylocopa micans Lepeletier
Xylocopinae - Carpenter Bees

virginica Linnaeus - Eastern Carpenter Bee
Xylocopinae - Carpenter Bees

virginica Linnaeus - Eastern Carpenter Bee
North Carolina
Xylocopinae - Carpenter Bees

Xylocopa varipuncta Patton
on Mexican Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias fascicularis)
Xylocopinae - Carpenter Bees

Xylocopa varipuncta Patton
on Antelope Horns Milkweed
Bombini - Bumble Bees

Bombus bimaculatus Cresson
Bombini - Bumble Bees

Bombus griseocollis (DeGeer)
Bombini - Bumble Bees

Bombus griseocollis (DeGeer)
Bombini - Bumble Bees

Bombus pensylvanicus (De Geer)
Bombini - Bumble Bees

Bombus perplexus Cresson
New York
Bombini - Bumble Bees

Bombus perplexus Cresson
Bombini - Bumble Bees

Bombus perplexus Cresson
Bombini - Bumble Bees

Bombus perplexus Cresson
On common milkweed
Centridini - Centridine Bees

Centris (Paracentris) sp.
on Desert Milkweed (Asclepias erosa)
Apini - Honey Bees

Apis mellifera Linnaeus
Apini - Honey Bees

Apis mellifera Linnaeus
Apini - Honey Bees

Apis mellifera Linnaeus
New Hampshire
Apini - Honey Bees

Apis mellifera Linnaeus
Apini - Honey Bees

Apis mellifera Linnaeus
New York
Apini - Honey Bees
Apis mellifera Linnaeus
"After the bee freed herself, I was able to get a shot of her fore and hind legs, each with a bisaccate pollinum attached."
Apini - Honey Bees

Apis mellifera Linnaeus
honey bee with pollinia on antelopehorn milkweed (Asclepias asperula, Asclepiadaceae)
Superfamily Tiphioidea
Tiphiidae - Tiphiid Wasps

Myzinum quinquecinctum (Fabricius)
on Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata)
Tiphiidae - Tiphiid Wasps

Myzinum quinquecinctum (Fabricius)
on Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata)
Superfamily Pompiloidea
Pompilidae - Spider Wasps

Pepsis pallidolimbata Lucas
New Mexico
on Horsetail Milkweed (Asclepias subverticillata)
Pompilidae - Spider Wasps

Pepsis sp.
on Asclepias fascicularis growing around a spring on our property; there were scores of these guys on the Milkweed.
Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Campsomeris plumipes (Drury)
North Carolina
Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Campsomeris plumipes (Drury)
Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Campsomeris plumipes (Drury)
Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Campsomeris plumipes (Drury)
on flowers of green antelopehorn (Asclepias viridis, Asclepiadaceae)
Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Campsomeris tolteca (Saussure)
middle photo shows male sleeping aggrigation
Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Crioscolia alcione (Banks)
Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Scolia nobilitata Fabricius
Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Scolia nobilitata Fabricius
Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps

Trielis octomaculata (Say)
New Mexico
On poison milkweed
Superfamily Vespoidea
Vespidae - Yellowjackets, Paper Wasps; Potter, Mason and Pollen Wasps
Eumeninae - Potter and Mason Wasps

Pterocheilus quinquefasciatus Say
on Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata)
Eumeninae - Potter and Mason Wasps

Pterocheilus sp.
on Woolly Milkweed (Asclepias vestita)
Masarinae - Pollen Wasps

Pseudomasaris coquilletti Rohwer
on Woolly Milkweed (Asclepias vestita)
Masarinae - Pollen Wasps

Pseudomasaris coquilletti Rohwer
(majorly stuck!)
Polistinae - Paper Wasps

Polistes aurifer de Saussure
Polistinae - Paper Wasps

Polistes dorsalis (Fabricius)
Polistinae - Paper Wasps

Polistes dominula (Christ)
New York
Vespinae - Yellowjackets

Dolichovespula arenaria (Fabricius)
New York
Vespinae - Yellowjackets

Dolichovespula arenaria (Fabricius)
Selected Online and Print References of Milkweed Pollination
Compilation of Pollinator Records for 160 Milkweed Species in the Family Asclepiadaceae - Ollerton & Liede, 1997
Insects visiting Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) with and without pollinia
Insects visiting Tall Green Milkweed (Asclepias hirtella) with and without pollinia
Insects visiting Purple Milkweed (Asclepias purpurascens) with and without pollinia
Insects visiting Prairie Milkweed (Asclepias sullivanti) with and without pollinia
Insects visiting Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) with and without pollinia
Insects visiting Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) with and without pollinia
Insects visiting Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata) with and without pollinia
Barad, G. 1990. Pollination of stapeliads. Cactus and Succulent Journal 62: 130–140.
R.I. & M.F. Willson. 1980. Effectiveness of diurnal and nocturnal
pollination of two milkweeds. Canadian Journal of Botany 58: 1744-1746.
Betz, R.F., R.D. Struven, J.E. Wall and F.B. Heitler. 1994. Insect pollinators of 12 milkweed (Asclepias) species. Pp. 45–60. In:
R.G. Wickett, P.D. Lewis, A. Woodliffe & P. Pratt. (editors).
Proceedings of the Thirteenth North American Prairie Conference: Spirit
of the Land, Our Prairie Legacy. Windsor, Ontario: City of Windsor
Department of Parks & Recreation. (Full PDF)
Bookman, S.S. 1981. The floral morphology of Asclepias speciosa
(Asclepiadaceae) in relation to pollination and a clarification in
terminology for the genus. American Journal of Botany 68(5): 675-679.
Borders, B. & E. Lee-Mäder. 2014. Milkweeds: A Conservation
Practitioner's Guide. The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation,
Portland, OR. 146 pp. (Full PDF)
Broyles, S.B. & R. Wyatt. 1990. Paternity analysis in a natural population of Asclepias exaltata: multiple paternity, functional gender, and the "pollen-donation hypotyhesis". Evolution 44: 1454-1468.
Faust, L. & H. Faust. 2014. The occurrence and behaviors of
North American fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) on milkweed, Asclepias syriaca L. The Coleopterists Bulletin 68(2): 283-291.
Fishbein, M. & D.L. Venable. 1996. Diversity and temporal change in the effective pollinators of Asclepias tuberosa. Ecology 77(4): 1061-1073.
Fritz, R.S. & D.H. Morse. 1981. Nectar parasitism of Asclepias syriaca by ants: effect on nectar levels, pollinea insertion, pollinaria removal and pod production. Oecologia, 50: 316–319.
Frost, S.W. 1965. Insects and pollinia. Ecology 46: 556–558.
Harold, K. 1985. The worth of pollinarium. Asklepios 35: 29.
Ivey, C.T., P. Martinez & R. Wyatt. 2003. Variation in pollinator effectiveness in swamp milkweed, Asclepias incarnata (Apocynaceae). American Journal of Botany 90: 214–225.
Jennersten, O. & D.H. Morse. 1991. The quality of pollination by diurnal and nocturnal insects visiting common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca. The American Midland Naturalist 125: 18-28.
Kephart, S.R. 1979. The floral ecology and reproductive isolation of three sympatric species of Asclepias. PhD thesis, Indiana University, Bloomington.
Kephart, S.R. 1983. The partitioning of pollinators among three species of Asclepias. Ecology, 64: 120-133.
Kephart, S. & K. Theiss. 2004. Pollinator-mediated isolation in sympatric milkweeds (Asclepias): do floral morphology & insect behavior influence species boundaries? New Phytologist 161: 265-277. (Full PDF)
Kunze, H. 1991. Structure and function in asclepiad pollination. Plant Systematics and Evolution 176: 227-253.
Kunze, H. & S. Liede. 1991. Observations on pollination in Sarcostemma (Asclepiadaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 178: 95-105.
Macior, L.W. 1965. Insect adaptation and behavior in Asclepias pollination. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 92: 114-126.
Morse, D.H. 1981. Modification of bumblebee foraging: the effect of milkweed pollinia. Ecology 62: 89–97.
Morse, D.H. 1982. The turnover of milkweed pollinia on bumble bees, and implications for outcrossing. Oecologia 53: 187–196.
Morse, D.H. 1985. Milkweeds and their visitors.Scientific American 253: 90-96.
Morse, D.H. 1986. Inflorescence choice and time allocation by insects foraging on milkweed. Oikos 46: 229-236.
Morse, D.H. & R.S. Fritz. 1983. Contributions of diurnal and nocturnal insects to the pollination of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) in a pollen-limited system. Oecologia, 60: 190-197.
Newton, L.E. 1984. Terminology of structures associated with pollinia of the Asclepiadaceae. Taxon 33(4): 619-621.
J. & S. Liede. 1997. Pollination systems in the Asclepiadaceae: a
survey and preliminary analysis. Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society 62(4): 593-610. (Abstract)
Padrón, P. 1975. Los Danaidae de las Islas Canarias. Shilap. Revista de Lepidopterología 3: 217-220.
Pleasants, J.M. 1991. Evidence for short-distance dispersal of pollinia in Asclepias syriaca L. Functional Ecology, 5: 75–82.
T.E. 1975. Pollination of pyrrolizidine alkaloid-containing plants by
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Robertson, C. 1887a. Insect relations of certain asclepiads. I. Botanical Gazette 12: 207–216.
Robertson, C. 1887b. Insect relations of certain asclepiads. II. Botanical Gazette 12: 244-250.
Robertson C. 1891. Flowers and insects, Asclepiadaceae to Scrophulariaceae. Transactions of the Academy of Science 5: 569–598.
Southwick, E.E. 1983. Nectar biology and nectar feeders of common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca L. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 110: 324–334.
Theiss, K, S. Kephart & C. Ivey. 2007. Pollinator effectiveness on co-occurring milkweeds (Asclepias; Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 94: 507-516.
Wyatt, R. 1980. The impact of nectar-robbing ants on the pollination system of Asclepias curassavica. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 107: 24-28
Wyatt, R. & T.R. Shannon. 1986. Nectar production and pollination of Asclepias exaltata. Systematic Botany 11: 326-334
Willson, M.F. & R.I. Bertin. 1979. Flower-visitors, nectar production, and inflorescence size of Asclepias syriaca. Canadian Journal of Botany 57: 1380-1388.
Willson, M.E., R.I. Bertin, & P.W. Price.1979. Nectar production and flower visitors of Asclepias verticillata. The American Midland Naturalist 102: 23-35.
05 May 2017 © Mike Quinn / entomike@gmail.com /
Texas Entomology / Texas Monarch Watch