Return to Texas Entomology - Compiled by Mike Quinn
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Host plant
Range: Cameron, Hidalgo and Starr Counties in South Texas, south to Venezuela
Flight Period: Has been recorded in south Texas in April, May, August, October, November
First U.S. Record: November 1910, Brownsville, Texas.
Subsequently collected in 1929 (2), 1957 (9, others present), 1961 (2), 1968 (1), 1969 (2).
Larval Host Plants: Tournefortia volubilis - Family Boraginaceae
Common host plant names: Bastard Rat Root, Aunt Eliza Bush, "Googley-Eye Vine"
Also hosts on Tournefortia maculata in Costa Rica
Similar Species: There's a second species in South America, Phaloesia flaviventris Reich, 1938
Other Texas Pericopini:
Dysschema leucophaea (Walker, 1854)
Gnophaela aequinoctialis (Walker, 1854)
Phaloesia saucia Walker, 1854
Phaloesia saucia (Walker) - Adult - Ed Knudson
Saucy Beauty (Phaloesia saucia) - Larva - Tom Bentley
Biography: Francis Walker (1809 - 1874) - Wikipedia
Bordelon, C.W., Jr., & E. Knudson. 2000. New records of Lepidoptera from Texas and the USA, and illustrations of other interesting species. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 42(1):3-7, 19.
Druce, H. 1884. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Heterocera. Volume I . R.H. Porter, London. Pl. 11, fig 2.
Druce, H. 1890. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Heterocera. Volume II . R.H. Porter, London. Pg 384.
Dyar, H.G. 1911. Descriptions of the larvae of some Mexican Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 13(4):227-232.
Janzen, D.H. & W. Hallwachs. 2005. Dynamic database for an inventory of the macrocaterpillar fauna, and its food plants and parasitoids, of Area de Conservacion Guanacaste (ACG), northwestern Costa Rica. <>.
Kendall, R.O. 1970. A day-flying moth (Pericopidae) new to Texas and the United States. Journal of The Lepidopterists' Society, 24(4): 301-303.
Lipes, J. 1962. Season Summary (1961). News of the Lepidopterists' Society, Number 3.
Walker, F. 1854. Lepidoptera Heterocera. In: List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Vol. 2 pp. 279-581
Watson, A. & D.T. Goodger. 1986. Catalogue of the Neotropical Tiger Moths. Occasional papers on Systematic Entomology of the British Museum (Natural History) No. 1. 71 pp.
30 Nov 2007 © Mike Quinn / / Texas Entomology / Texas Lep Information