El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Reserve

Angangueo, Michoacan, Mexico

December 2004

Early morning departure from Angangueo up the mountain towards El Rosario


a fairly famous view along the way towards El Rosario


El Rosario guides waiting for the tourists to arrive


starting up the trail (traffic goes up on left, down on right)


these empty trails will become filled after the new year, particularly on weekends


leaving the trails, heading into the forest for the final climb


a portion of the larger of the two colonies present at El Rosario


open area below the colony


fresh female drinking water in the clearing


the visitors' center a bit more busy than when we arrived




roadside views going back down the mountain



Angangueo from above

road to Sierra Chincua - upper right, road to El Rosario - lower right


dropping back into town

then on to the event at the Sierra Chincua Monarch Butterfly Reserve

24 Oct 2006 © Mike Quinn / entomike@gmail.com / Texas Entomology / Texas Monarch Watch