Migratory Insects of North America

Odonata / Orthoptera / Hemiptera / Homoptera / Coleoptera / Lepidoptera


Return to Texas Entomology - Compiled by Mike Quinn

Odonata - Dragonflies

Aeshnidae - Darners

Migration Reference (not species' author)

Common Green Darner Anax junius Williams 1958

Swamp Darner Epiaeschna heros

Libellulidae - Skippers

Great Pondhawk Erythemis vesiculosa

Bar-winged Skimmer Libellula axilena

Twelve-spotted Skimmer Libellula pulchella Williams 1958

Painted Skimmer Libellula semifasciata

Great Blue Skimmer Libellula vibrans

Blue Dasher Pachydiplax longipennis

Wandering Glider Pantala flavescens Williams 1958

Spot-winged Glider Pantala hymenaea

Variegated Meadowhawk Sympetrum corruptum Opler 1971

Striped Saddlebags Tramea calverti

Carolina Saddlebags Tramea carolina

Black Saddlebags Tramea lacerata

Red Saddlebags Tramea onusta

Orthoptera - Grasshoppers

Acrididae - Short-horned Grasshoppers

Migratory Grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes Web link

Rocky Mountain Locust Melanoplus spretus (extinct) Riley 1877

Hemiptera - True Bugs

Lygaeidae - Seed Bugs

Large Milkweed Bug  Oncopeltus fasciatus Dingle 1978


Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers

Beet Leafhopper Circulifer tenellus Williams 1958

Potato Leafhopper

Empoasca fabae

Taylor & Reling 1986

Six-spotted Leafhopper Macrosteles fascifrons

Aphididae - Aphids

Greenbug Schizaphis graminum

Coleoptera - Beetles

Chrysomelidae - Leaf Beetles

Spotted Cucumber Beetle Diabrotica undecimpunctata Johnson 1969

Coccinellidae - Lady Beetles

Convergent Ladybird Beetle Hippodamia convergens Rankin & Rankin 1980

Lepidoptera - Butterflies & Moths

Papilionidae - Swallowtails

Zebra Swallowtail

Eurytides marcellus Walker 2001

Pieridae - Whites & Sulphurs

Cabbage White  Pieris rapae Walker 2001

Great Southern White  Ascia monuste

Cloudless Sulphur Phoebis sennae Walker 1978

Apricot Sulphur Phoebis argante

Statira Sulphur Aphrissa statira Williams 1958

Lyside Sulphur Kricogonia lyside Gilbert 1985

Barred Yellow  Eurema daira Walker 2001

Mexican Yellow Eurema mexicana

Little Yellow Eurema (Pyrisitia) lisa Walker 2001

Sleepy Orange Eurema (Abaeis) nicippe Walker 2001

Nymphalidae - Brushfoots

American Snout Libytheana carinenta Gilbert 1985

Gulf Fritillary Agraulis vanillae Walker 1978, 1980, 1985

Common Buckeye Junonia coenia Walker 1978

Question Mark Polygonia interrogationis

Mourning Cloak  Nymphalis antiopa Williams 1958

Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta Walker 2001

Painted Lady Vanessa cardui Williams 1958

American Lady Vanessa virginiensis Walker 2001

Many-banded Daggerwing Marpesia chiron Williams 1958

Dingy Purplewing  Eunica monima Williams 1958

Common Mestra Mestra amymone

Monarch Danaus plexippus Urquhart & Urquhart 1977

Queen Danaus gilippus

Hesperiidae - Skippers

Long-tailed Skipper  Urbanus proteus Walker 1978

Dorantes Longtail Urbanus dorantes

Ocola Skipper  Panoquina ocola

Sphingidae - Sphinx Moths

Pink-spotted Hawkmoth Agrius cingulata

Mournful Sphinx Enyo lugubris

Ello sphinx Erinnyis ello Sala 1959

Obscure sphinx Erinnyis obscura Sala 1959

Tersa sphinx Xylophanes tersa

Noctuidae - Owlet Moths

Black Cutworm Agrotis ipsilon Hendrix & Showers 1992

Cotton Leafworm Alabama argillacea

Velvetbean Caterpillar Anticarsia gemmatalis

Black Witch Ascalapha odorata Williams 1958

Army Cutworm Euxoa auxiliaris

Corn Earworm Helicoverpa zea

Armyworm Pseudaletia unipuncta

Yellow Underwing Moth Noctua pronuba Baker & Mather 1982. 

Soybean Looper Pseudoplusia includens

Beet Armyworm Spodoptera exigua Mitchell 1979

Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda

Cabbage Looper Trichoplusia ni

White Witch Thysania agrippina

Owl Moth Thysania zenobia

Uraniidae - Swallowtail Moths

Urania Swallowtail Moth Urania fulgens Kendall 1978

Bibliography of North American Insect Migration

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02 April 2014 © Mike Quinn / entomike@gmail.com / Texas Entomology