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(On pricklypoppy, Argemone)
County Record Data from E.G. Riley, Apr. 2008
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State Record Source: (Ratcliffe, 1991)
This species is extremely variable in its color and pattern ranging from all black to nearly all yellow with all stages in between. (Ratcliffe, 1991)
Range: CO, KS, NE, NM, OK, TX; Mexico (Blackwelder, 1944-1957; Ratcliffe, 1991)
Flight Period: April to August per specimens in TAMUIC
Larval state unknown. Adults associated with Packrat Middens, Neotoma micropus. (Hardy 1988).
Adults feed on the nectar and pollen of the following genera. (Ratcliffe, 1991)Pricklypoppy, Argemone spp., Papaveraceae
Pricklypear, Opuntia spp., Cactaceae
Thistle, Cirsium spp., Asteraceae
Yucca, Yucca spp., Liliaceae
Behavior: Diurnal and not attracted to lights (Ratcliffe, 1991)
Similar Species: There are approximately 73 species of Euphoria and about 20 species in the U.S. (Arnett et al. 2002).
Texas Taxa: (per Orozco, 2012)
Euphoria biguttata (Gory and Percheron)
Euphoria casselberryi Robinson - Type locality: Davis Mountains, Jeff Davis Co. (Robinson, 1937).
Euphoria devulsa Horn
Euphoria discicollis (Thomson)
Euphoria fulgida (Fabricius) (= Euphoria fulgida fuscocyanea Casey)
Euphoria herbacea (Olivier)
Euphoria hirtipes Horn
Euphoria inda (Linnaeus)
Euphoria kernii Haldeman
Euphoria schotti LeConte - Type locality is Eagle Pass, Maverick County. (LeConte, 1853).
Euphoria sepulcralis (Fabricius)
Synonym: kerni - spelling, only one i
Alternate Common Name: Plains Bumble Scarab (Taber & Fleenor, 2003)
Etymology: Euphoria kernii Haldeman 1852
eu (G). Good, well
phor, -a, -e, -i, -o (G). Carry, bear
Samuel Stehman Haldeman (1812 – 1880) - Wikipedia
Horace Haldeman (1820 – 1883) - Horace R. Burke, Handbook of TexasHorace Haldeman was one of the first persons to concentrate on collecting insects in Texas. He sent his specimens, mostly beetles, to his entomologist brother, Samuel S. Haldeman, and a noted coleopterist, John L. LeConte, for description.
Arnett, R.H., Jr., M.C. Thomas, P. E. Skelley & J.H. Frank. (editors). 2002. American Beetles, Volume II: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea through Curculionoidea. CRC Press. 861 pp.
Blackwelder, R.E., 1944-1957. Checklist of the Coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America, part 4. Smithsonian Institution US Natural History Museum Bulletin 185, Parts 1-6. 1492 pp.
Borror, D.J. 1960. Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms. National Press Books, Palo Alto. v + 134 pp.
Burke, H.R. 1977. Horace Haldeman, Early Insect Collector in Texas. Melsheimer Entomological Series No. 22: 1-6.
Casey, T. L. 1915. A review of the American species of Rutelinae, Dynastinae, and Cetoniinae. Memoires of the Coleoptera 6: 1-394.
Geiser, S.W., 1948. Naturalists of the Frontier. Southern Methodist University Press, Dallas. 296 pp.
Grant, V., K.A. Grant, & P.D. Hurd. 1979. Pollination of Opuntia lindheimeri and related species. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 132: 313-320.
Hardy, A.R. 1988. Studies in the Euphoriina of the Americas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). I. Introduction and generic concepts. The Coleopterists Bulletin, 42(1): 1-9.
Hardy, A.R. 2001. Studies in the Euphoriina of the Americans (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) II. Status of names in Euphoria, types and synonymies, with notes on the South American species. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 77 (3):127-143.
Hayes, W.P. 1925. A comparative study of the life cycle of certain phytophagous scarabaeid beetles. Kansas Agricultural Experimental Station Technical Bulletin, 16:1-146.
Horn, G.H. 1879. Synopsis of the Euphoriae of the United States. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 18: 397-408.
Micó E., A.B.T. Smith, & M.A. Morón. 2000. New larval descriptions for two species of Euphoria Burmeister (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Cetoniini: Euphoriina) with a key to the known larvae and a review of the larval biology for species in the genus. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 93(4): 795–801.
Orozco, J. 2012. Monographic revision of the American genus Euphoria Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae). The Coleopterists Society Monographs 11: 1-182.
Ratcliffe B.C. 1991. The scarab beetles of Nebraska. Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum. 12: 1–333.
Riley, E.G. & C.S. Wolfe. 2003. An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea of Texas. Southwestern Entomologist, Supplement, no. 26. 37 pp.
Robinson, M. 1937. A new Euphoria from Texas. Entomological News 48: 163.
Schneider, E.L., & D.M. Nichols. 1984. Floral Biology of Argemone aurantiaca (Papaveraceae). Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 111(1): 1-7.
Taber, S.W. & S.B. Fleenor. 2003. Insects of the Texas Lost Pines. Texas A&M University, College Station. 283 pp.
22 Jan 2013 © Mike Quinn / Texas Entomology / Texas Beetle Information