Return to Texas Entomology - Compiled by Mike Quinn
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Range: AZ, NM, OK, TX / Mexico, Central America (Riley et al, 2003)
Hosts: Members of the Solanaceae or Night-Shade family (Clark et al, 2004)
Similar Species:
This genus contains more than 40 species distributed throughout much of North and South America, with at least 10 species occurring north of Mexico, primarily in the southwestern U.S.
Texas Taxa:
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) - Colorado Potato Beetle - Wide spread
Leptinotarsa defecta (Stal)
Leptinotarsa haldemani (Rogers)
Leptinotarsa juncta (Germar)
Leptinotarsa lineolata (Stal)
Leptinotarsa texana Schaeffer
Samuel Stehman Haldeman (1812 – 1880) - Wikipedia
Horace Haldeman (1820 – 1883) - Horace R. Burke, Handbook of TexasHorace Haldeman was one of the first persons to concentrate on collecting insects in Texas. He sent his specimens, mostly beetles, to his entomologist brother, Samuel S. Haldeman, and a noted coleopterist, John L. LeConte, for description.
Arnett, R.H., Jr., M.C. Thomas, P.E. Skelley & J.H. Frank. (editors). 2002. American Beetles, Volume II: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea through Curculionoidea. CRC Press. 861 pp.
Burke, H.R. 1977. Horace Haldeman, Early Insect Collector in Texas. Melsheimer Entomological Series No. 22: 1-6.
Clark, S.M., D.G. LeDoux, T.N. Seeno, E.G. Riley, A.J. Gilbert and J.M. Sullivan. 2004. Host plants of leaf beetle species occurring in the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae, Chrysomelidae exclusive of Bruchinae). Coleopterists Society, Special Publication no. 2, 476 pp.
Hsiao, T. 1986. Specificity of Certain Chrysomelid Beetles for Solanaceae. Pp.345-363. In: Solanaceae: Biology and Systematics, Second International Symposium. Columbia University Press, New York.
Jacques, R.J., Jr. 1988. The Potato Beetles: The Genus Leptinotarsa in North America; Flora & Fauna Handbooks No. 3.E.J. Brill. 144. pp.
Lawson, F.A. 1991. Chrysomelidae (Chrysomeloidea) pp. 568-593. In: Stehr, F.W. (editor) Immature Insects. Volume 2. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa. xiv + 975 pp.
Peterson A. 1951. Larvae of Insects; Part II - Coleoptera, Diptera, Neuroptera, Siphonaptera, Mecoptera, Trichoptera. Edwards Bros., Inc., Ann Arbor. 416 pp.
Riley, E.G., S.M. Clark, & T.N. Seeno. 2003. Catalog of the leaf beetles of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae and Chrysomelidae, excluding Bruchinae). Coleopterists Society, Special Publication no. 1, 290 pp.
06 Sep 2008 © Mike Quinn / / Texas Entomology / Texas Beetle Information