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State Record Data from Riley et al. 2003
Host Plants:
The normal host plant is Groundnut - Apios americana - Fabaceae.
This beetle has been recorded from a few other species of Fabaceae (Clark et al. 2004).Groundnut - Apios americana - USDA Plant Profile
Adult Activity: March 29-July 27 based on 11 specimens in Alabama (Balsbaugh & Hays 1972)
Similar Species: Nine species comprise this genus which ranges from northern South America to southern Canada (Arnett et al. 2002).
Texas Taxa:
Odontota dorsalis (Thunberg)
Odontota horni J. Smith
Odontota mundula (Sanderson)
Odontota scapularis (Olivier)
Weblinks: Odontota dorsalis - Leaf Beetles of Great Smoky Mountains NP - Edward G. Riley
Photos: Odontota species - Insects of Cedar Creek
Biography: Guillaume Antoine Olivier 1756-1814 - University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology
Arnett, R.H., Jr., M.C. Thomas, P.E. Skelley & J.H. Frank. (editors). 2002. American Beetles, Volume II: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea through Curculionoidea. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL. xiv + 861 pp.
Balsbaugh, E.U. & K.L. Hays. 1972. The Leaf beetles of Alabama (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 441:1-223.
Butte, J.G. 1968. The revision of the tribe Chalepini of America north of Mexico. III. Genus Odontota Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin 22(4): 101-124.
Chittenden, F.H. 1902. The leaf-mining locust beetle, with notes on related species. USDA, Division of Entomology Bulletin no. 38: 70-89.
Clark, S.M., D.G. LeDoux, T.N. Seeno, E.G. Riley, A.J. Gilbert & J.M. Sullivan. 2004. Host plants of leaf beetle species occurring in the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae, Chrysomelidae exclusive of Bruchinae). Coleopterists Society, Special Publication no. 2, 476 pp.
Ford, E.J. & J.F. Cavey. 1985. Biology and larval descriptions of some Maryland Hispinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Coleopterists Bulletin 39(1):36-59.
Kogan, M. & D.D. Kogan. 1979. Odontota horni, a hispine leaf miner adapted to soybean feeding in Illinois. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 72: 456-461.
Riley, E.G., S.M. Clark, & T.N. Seeno. 2003. Catalog of the leaf beetles of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae and Chrysomelidae, excluding Bruchinae). Coleopterists Society, Special Publication no. 1, 290 pp.
Staines, C.L. 2002. The New World tribes and genera of hispines (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 104(3): 721-784. Abstract.
07 Jul 2007 © Mike Quinn / / Texas Entomology / Texas Beetle Information