Return to Texas Entomology - Compiled by Mike Quinn
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(feeding on Tropical Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica))
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Range: The only member of the genus to occupy Eastern North America
Flight Period: July through October
Larval Host: Milkweed - Asclepias spp.
Caterpillars are gregarious during instars 1-3, solitary in later instars, when marked with bright tufts
Similar Species:
Euchaetes albicosta Texas, AZ Euchaetes antica AZ, NM, n. MEX Euchaetes bolteri Texas - endemic? Euchaetes castalla AZ, n. MEX Euchaetes elegans Texas, southwest Euchaetes fusca AZ, NM, Euchaetes gigantea AZ, NM, n. MEX Euchaetes helena Texas, NM Euchaetes perlevis Texas, southwest Euchaetes polingi Texas, NM, OK Euchaetes zella Texas, southwest
Larvae: feeding communally -
feeding singly -
Etymology: Euchaetes egle (Drury, 1773)
eu (G). Good, well
chaet, =a, -o (G). Long flowing hair, mane; a bristle
egi, =s (L). A shield, armor
Biography: Dru Drury - Wikipedia
Borror, D.J. 1960. Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms. National Press Books, Palo Alto. v + 134 pp.
Drury, D. 1773. Illustrations of Natural History; wherein are exhibited upwards of two hundred and forty figures of exotic insects according to their genera. London, Printed for the author and sold by B. White, Vol. 2, 90 pp. 220 figs., 50 pls.Dussourd D.E., & R.F. Denno. 1991. Deactivation of plant defense: Correspondence between insect bahavior and secretory canal architecture. Ecology 72(4):1383-1396.
Holland, W.J. 1903. The Moth Book: A Popular Guide to a Knowledge of the Moths of North America. Doubleday, Page, & Co., N.Y. xxiv + 479 pp.
Hristov, N.L., & W.E. Conner. 2005. Effectiveness of tiger moth (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) chemical defenses against an insectivorous bat (Eptesicus fuscus). Chemoecology 15(2):105-113.
Simmons R.B., & W.E. Conner. 1996. Acoustic cues in defense and courtship of Euchaetes egle Drury and E. bolteri Stretch (Lep., Arctiidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 9: 909–919.
Wagner, D.L. 2005. Caterpillars of Eastern North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 496 pp., 1,200+ color photos.
Weller S.J., N.L. Jacobsen, & W.E. Conner. 1999. The evolution of chemical defenses and mating systems in tiger moths (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Biol J Linn Soc 68:557–578
08 Oct 2007 © Mike Quinn / / Texas Entomology / Texas Lep Information