Select Beetles of Southern Alabama
to Texas Entomology - Compiled by Mike
Some 95 beetle species in 27 families are represented here
Coleoptera collected in Mobile and Baldwin Counties: 26-30-VII-2012
Specimens deposited in the Texas A&M University Insect Collection (TAMUIC)
Unless otherwise noted, all photos by Mile Quinn
Carabidae - Ground Beetles
(Photo by Jon Rapp)
Cicindelinae - Tiger Beetles
(Photo by Ken Allen)
Dytiscidae - Predaceous Diving Beetle
Hydrophilidae - Water Scavenger Beetles

Staphylinidae - Rove Beetles
Oxytelinae - Spiny-legged Rove Beetles
Staphylininae - Large Rove Beetles
Tachyporinae - Crab-like Rove Beetles

Geotrupidae - Earth-Boring Scarab Beetles
Scarabaeidae - Scarab Beetles
Aphodiinae - Aphodiine Dung Beetles
Scarabaeinae - Dung Beetles
Melolonthinae - June Bugs
Rutelinae - Shining Leaf Chafers
Dynastinae - Rhinoceros Beetles

Family Scirtidae - Marsh Beetles
Limnichidae - Minute Marsh-loving Beetles

Heteroceridae - Variegated Mud-loving Beetles
Ptilodactylidae - Toe-winged Beetles

Elateridae - Click Beetles
(Last photo by Robert Lord Zimlich)
Family Anobiidae - Death-watch and Spider Beetles
Trogossitidae - Bark-gnawing Beetles
Sphindus - Cryptic Slime Mold Beetles

Nitidulidae - Sap-feeding Beetles
Monotomidae - Root-eating Beetles
Silvanidae - Silvanid Flat Bark Beetles
Erotylidae - Pleasing Fungus Beetles
Cerylonidae - Minute Bark Beetles

Coccinellidae - Lady Beetles
Family Ciidae - Minute Tree-fungus Beetles

Mordelidae - Tumbling Flower Beetles
Tenebrionidae - Darkling Beetles

Anthicidae - Antlike Flower Beetles

Aderidae - Antlike Leaf Beetles
Chrysomelidae - Leaf Beetles
Cassidinae - Tortoise Beetles and Hispines
(Photos by Stephen Cresswell)
Chrysomelinae -Broad-shouldered Leaf Beetles
Galerucinae - Skeletonizing leaf beetles
Eumolpinae - Oval Leaf Beetles
Cryptocephalinae - The Casebearers or Cylindrical leaf beetles
- Chlamisini - Warty Leaf Beetles
Curculionidae - Weevils
Entiminae - Broad-nosed Weevils

Platypodinae - Pinhole Bark Borers

Scolytinae - Bark and Ambrosia Beetles
Balsbaugh, Jr., E.U. & K.L. Hays. 1972. The leaf beetles of
Alabama (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Auburn University Agricultural
Experiment Station Bulletin 441: 1-223.
King, J.G. & P.K. Lago. 2012. The variegated mud-loving beetles
(Coleoptera: Heteroceridae) of Mississippi and Alabama, with discussion
and keys to the species occurring in the southeastern United States.
Insecta Mundi 0275: 1-53.
Loding, H.P. 1945. Catalogue of the beetles of Alabama. Geological Survey of Alabama, Monograph 11: 1-172.
Aug 17, 2012
Quinn / / Texas Entomology / Texas Beetle Resources / Photo Techniques